Broken Pieces

Jack Canon's American Destiny

@JadeKerrion Shares Alpha Males & the Women Who Can Kick Their Butts #Fantasy #Paranormal

Tell us a bit about your family.
I’ve been happily married for eleven years, and I have two sons under the age of seven, with a third on the way. They keep me busy, and more importantly, the house is sloshing with testosterone. Even the pet fish is male…
How do you work through self-doubts and fear?
To be honest, I’m usually working so hard that I don’t have time literally to indulge in self-doubts and fears. I’ve been blessed in that success has often come my way if I want something enough and I work hard enough for it. As you can probably guess, I’m working very hard to succeed as a writer. Success (fingers crossed) will show up eventually. J
What scares you the most?
That I’ll somehow miss out on life because I’m so busy pursuing my goals. It’s a challenge balancing between all the things that have to be done.
What makes you happiest?
When my children crawl into my bed in the morning and demand a cuddle. I adore my two boys.
What’s your greatest character strength?
Persistence and conscientiousness (which are somewhat related.) I am capable of working very hard for extended periods of time to do what has to be done to succeed.
What’s your weakest character trait?
Single-mindedness. Sometimes, I’m so goal-oriented I do forget to enjoy life along the way. Things that aren’t part of the agenda or the end-goal tend to be ignored.
Why do you write?
Because it keeps me out of trouble. J
Have you always enjoyed writing?
At least since the age of 13 when my teacher singled out my essay to be read aloud to the class. Those early stories are not good. I look back and cringe, but I like to think I’ve learned and practiced a great deal since then.
What motivates you to write?
The movies I see in my mind. They just have to be told.
What writing are you most proud of? (Add a link if you like)
My Double Helix series has turned many readers into fans of Danyael Sabre, Zara Itani, and the world in which they live, a world transformed by the genetic revolution. It is science fiction, but it’s very accessible—no space travel or alien species—and it deals with age-old issues in a fresh new way.
What are you most proud of in your personal life?
My children. They’re bright, affectionate, and well-adjusted (though likely more due to my husband’s influence than my own.)
What books did you love growing up?
Oh, I loved Jane Austen’s books. For more contemporary authors, I’ve enjoyed David Eddings, author of the Belgariad and Mallorean.
Who is your favorite author?
Neil Gaiman is unparalleled for the breadth of his imagination.
What book genre of books do you adore?
I read a great deal of everything, except horror. It really depends on my mood. I write almost exclusively science fiction and fantasy, but when I’m trying to unwind, I tend to settle down with a romance or a cozy mystery.
What book should everybody read at least once?
Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series. His storytelling is brilliant.
Is there any books you really don’t enjoy?
Horror. I see absolutely no point in spending my time and paying money to not sleep at night. J
What do you hope your obituary will say about you?
That I lived well, did much, and had a great deal of fun along the way.
Location and life experiences can really influence writing, tell us where you grew up and where you now live?
I spent my childhood in Malaysia and my college years in Baltimore, Maryland. I worked for several years in Singapore, but since then have relocated permanently to the U.S. where I have lived in Charlottesville, VA, Dallas, TX, Springdale, AR, and most recently, Fort Lauderdale, FL. If I had to pick my favorite places, it would be Charlottesville or Fort Lauderdale.
How did you develop your writing?
It was organic, at first, mostly from reading and emulating others. Unfortunately, I emulated lots of bad habits. (It’s a well-known fact that famous authors can get away with writing habits that would draw the ire of editors otherwise.) Once I started writing professionally, I paid for an editor who was also a writing coach. She was a tremendous help in my growth as an author.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I get this question a lot, and I don’t really know how to answer it. There’s just a story percolating in my head that has to be told. I don’t always know where the story comes from.
What is hardest – getting published, writing or marketing?
For most of the people in the world, writing. Many people say they want to write, but never complete the first draft. And then, after that, it depends on the route the author decides to take. If one takes the traditional publishing route, getting published is the really tough part, a road loaded with hurdles, starting with agents, publishers, editors, etc. If one takes the self-publishing route, getting published is easy, but then the real hurdle comes in marketing. For me, marketing is where it gets challenging.
What marketing works for you?
If I knew, I’d be a New York Times bestselling author. Fact is, I’m still experimenting. I’ve had some (though temporal) success with advertising through Book Bub and eReader News Today. I’m still trying to figure out how to get viral.
Do you find it hard to share your work?
In the early days as a writer, yes, most certainly, but I’ve since grown a thicker skin and now really value the feedback of my critique group and beta readers.
Is your family supportive? Do your friends support you?
My family is immensely supportive. My sister and parents are always on the lookout for opportunities to promote my novels in Singapore. My father-in-law gave me seed money, which paid for the editor for my first three novels. My husband goes over and beyond the call of duty to support me. He took the lead on producing my first audio book, and he encourages me to attend book fairs and conferences to get the word out. My children, well, they’re supportive too. They keep bugging me about how many books I’ve sold each day.
Do you plan to publish more books?
Absolutely. My plan is to release two or three books a year. I started publishing in June 2012, and as of the end of 2013, will have released eight novels.
What else do you do to make money, other than write? It is rare today for writers to be full time…
Right now, I work for a large educational company in the area of learning and business strategy. I honestly do think that even if I pulled in a massive income from my writing, that I would still likely work full or part time in corporate America. I’m a big fan of a steady paycheck, and to be honest, I don’t know what makes a book go viral, so even if mine did, I wouldn’t know if I could replicate it. J
What other jobs have you had in your life?
I’ve worked in human resources, management consulting, and business strategy.
If you could study any subject at university what would you pick?
I would likely pick the same ones I did at college—Biology and Philosophy.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
You’d get different answers, depending on the seasons. J I’m a huge fan of warm weather, so in the winter, you’d find me staying warm and cozy in Fort Lauderdale, FL. In the summer though, I’d like to head north. I’ve enjoyed Denver, CO, and its surrounding areas. Of course, I’d make frequent visits to southeast Asia for the good food…
Tell us about your family?
I’ve been happily married for eleven years, and I have two sons under the age of seven, with a third on the way. They keep me busy, and more importantly, the house is sloshing with testosterone. Even the pet fish is male…
How do you write – lap top, pen, paper, in bed, at a desk?
I use a Macbook Air, which is incredibly light. I do write at a desk, but every now and again, I’ve been known to tote the laptop to bed or to a comfy couch.
Where do you get support from? Do you have friends in the industry?
I’ve made so many friends in the industry since I started publishing. The community of authors is far more supportive than I expected it to be. Most of my friendships are online (I found them through Facebook or Amazon), but I have since met many local authors through critique groups, and have really enjoyed the face-to-face connection as well.
How much sleep do you need to be your best?
You know, I’m not sure I know the answer to that. I don’t think I’ve slept for a full eight hours since my first child was born, and that was seven years ago. It really has nothing to do with the kids (they do sleep through the night.) It’s just that I stopped sleeping through the night. I think I sleep in burst of four-hour increments. I can force myself to get up after four hours, and within a half-hour, can be functional enough to write, or I can go back to sleep and get a total of eight (albeit interrupted) hours.
Is there anyone you’d like to acknowledge and thank for their support?
My critique group, the Attic Girls, as well as my husband. He has been unendingly supportive of my writing career.
Every writer has their own idea of what a successful career in writing is, what does success in writing look like to you?
That I created worlds and characters that spawned hours of enjoyment for readers all around the world, and that lives out there, in the real world, are somehow different, and better, for having touched, however briefly, my fictional worlds.
It is vital to get exposure and target the right readers for your writing, tell us about your marketing campaign?
I usually reach out to readers through social media as well as find new readers through virtual book tours. I also utilize advertising, but tend to apply those when the book has received reviews.
Tell us about your new book? What’s it about and why did you write it?
Eternal Night tells the story of Ashra, the icrathari queen, and Jaden, a human. Jaden’s people are trapped in a domed city of eternal night and tormented by vampires and the vampires’ demonic overlords, the icrathari. His concept of his world shatters when he meets Ashra and uncovers the truth behind the city of eternal night. I wrote this novel to provide a different perspective of the assumptions that many of us make about the demons and terrors in our lives. What if we approached them with an open mind instead of with fear? What is the truth behind the darkness?
If you could have a dinner party and invite anyone dead or alive, who would you ask?
I’d love to invite Neil Gaiman and ask him where he gets his inspiration. He writes the most amazing stories. His characters are original and unforgettable, and his storylines are unapologetically intricate. As you can probably tell, I’m a huge fan.
When you are not writing, how do you like to relax?
I have immense trouble relaxing, in part because my mind is always churning with to-do lists. The best thing to help me take my mind off my list is to keep it busy with something else, usually a book or a movie. Lounging in front of a pool, working on my tan, is one of those things guaranteed not to help me relax.
Do you have any tips on how writers can relax?
I think it varies for different people. The key is to find something that takes your mind off your book. For me, watching a movie or reading a book in a different genre (this is actually important) works.
How often do you write? And when do you write?
I try to write every day, usually in the early morning or late at night (since I do have a full-time job.)
Do you have an organized process or tips for writing well? Do you have a writing schedule?
I’ve tried working to a detailed outline, which I’ve found incredibly valuable, but most of the time, I usually just work toward a vision of several key scenes that need to be in the novel, filling it out along the way. The key, I think, is being conscientious enough to finish the first draft. Once you have the first draft, warts and all, you can edit your way into a polished gem, but you have to have the first draft.
Sometimes it’s so hard to keep at it – What keeps you going?
I’ve often asked myself whether this whole book-writing this is worth it. My husband, I think, had the best response of all. “What else were you planning to do with your time?” He knows me. He knows I’ve been writing since before I met him. He urges me to have patience. After all, I’ve only been published for a year and a half, and it sometimes takes people years to become an overnight success.
Have you met any people in the industry who have really helped you?
Absolutely. I’ve met many other authors online. In addition to moral support, I’ve received lots of publishing and marketing tips that have helped me reduce the time needed to learn the ropes.
What do you hope people will take away from your writing? How will your words make them feel?
I hope that readers will be different for having touched, however briefly, my fictional worlds, that their worldviews are expanded, their empathy for others is deeper, and they’ve emerged a better person.
What’s your favorite meal?
Just about anything involving Chinese food, though I have to admit that a meal with osso bucco or ox-tail stew is always a treat.
What color represents your personality the most?
Black! It goes well with anything and it hides the stains. (It’s also slimming, but that’s incidental.) J
What movie do you love to watch?
Some of my favorite movies are the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I also enjoy Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children for Cloud Strife’s portrayal of a damaged man who finds it in himself to save the world, and finally Avengers, for its unmatched script and acting.
How do you feel about social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter? Are they a good thing?
I think they are necessary things. They help you connect with readers around the world in a way that would not have been possible in the ways prior to social media.
If you could do any job in the world what would you do?
Thankfully, I think I ready have the best jobs in the world. I enjoy writing and I’ve also really enjoyed my full-time day job; I have an amazing team and manager.
What are you most passionate about? What gets you fired up?
Inequality of opportunity is a topic that can always get me started. The outcomes of life will never be equal because there is so much that is personal (e.g., hard work, luck) that goes into the outcomes, but I’m a firm believer in equality of opportunity.
What makes you angry?
Angry is a bit of a stretch. Angry takes effort and I usually have more important things to spend my energy on. What definitely irritates me is when emotions are allowed to overrule logic. I especially detest illogical arguments.
Are you a city slicker or a country lover?
City slicker. I get twitchy if I can’t walk on pavement and asphalt. I do enjoy the country though, just not in large increments.
How do you think people perceive writers?
Before I started writing, I think many people perceive writers with some kind of awe, like it’s so hard to be a writer. It isn’t really. It’s like any other thing in life. You just have to sit down, do it, and commit to getting better at it.
What’s your next project?
Right now, I’m revising the first draft of my romantic-thriller set in the world of the Double Helix and fixing all the plot holes (and there are lots of them.)
What would you love to produce in your life?
A movie based on my Double Helix series!
How do you feel about self-publishing?
I think self-publishing provides an avenue for people who want to take control of their work to get that work out into the world. Unfortunately, many people don’t care enough about the quality of the work that they release, but there are many authors who do care, and who do invest a great deal of their own money in editors and cover artists to make sure that the novel they release is the best it can be.
Do you know your neighbors?
Yes, of course. The ones on the right have four kids and four dogs. The ones on the left have three kids who have all since left home, and a cat that passed away several weeks back.
How important are friends in your life?
They’re important, certainly, and I think it’s critical to point out that your family needs to be your friends too. I consider my husband my best friend.
How many friends does a person need?
Enough to enrich your life. I realize this is a bit of a cop-out answer, but the fact is that it varies for people. I tend to get by on fewer but deeper friendships. Others, I’ve noticed, enjoy more friends, but we’re both contented with the kinds of friendships we have.
What does love mean to you?
The quiet contentment of not having to pretend to be someone else because you know you are loved for who you are. I knew my husband was “the one” when, ironically enough, my mind started ignoring his presence in the room. That’s when I realized that I had accepted him as an extension of myself and that no social facades were necessary.
What social issues interest you the most?
My goodness, where do I start? Issues around equality always get to me, and I land up writing about a great deal of it, albeit within a slightly different context in my Double Helix series.
When you get free time on the internet or you go to the library – what do you want to read about?
I tend to drift toward romances and cozy mysteries (which is a bit surprisingly, considering I write science fiction and fantasy) but if I’m relaxing, I usually prefer to cuddle up with a “non-work” book. If I read science fiction and fantasy, I tend to spend time analyzing writing styles and plot lines instead of just relaxing into the story.
Do you find the time to read?
I try, but it gets tricky in between running a household, holding down a full time job, and writing, publishing, and marketing three books a year. Thankfully, I am a fast reader and when I settle down with a book, I can usually get through it in two or three hours. I usually read a book a week.
Who do you admire?
My husband. I had an absurdly long list of everything I was looking for in a man, and he nailed just about every single one of them. He’s calm, intellectual, and yet amazingly funny. He always knows how to make me laugh. He’s supportive of my work, my writing, and a wonderful father to our two (and soon to be three) sons.
What is your favorite quality about yourself?
Conscientiousness. I have a goal, I make a plan, and I stick to it.
What is your least favorite quality about yourself?
Conscientiousness, which can (and frequently has) tip over into obsession. It does keep me from relaxing living in the moment, because at any point in time, I usually have multiple to-do lists that I’m juggling.
What is your favorite quote, by whom, and why?
“It always ends. That’s what gives it value,” by Death, in the Sandman. It’s not just the journey, it’s the fact that it will eventually end. Eternity isn’t everything it’s chalked up to be, so we should always cherish life and any journey we take, because it will eventually end.
What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?
I’ve really enjoyed writing, publishing, and winning literary awards, but I don’t think that’s what I’m most proud of accomplishing so far in my life. I think it would be my children—both bright and well-adjusted (far more likely a result of my husband’s influence, rather than my own…)
What is your favorite color?
Black! It matches everything, hides the stains, and it’s slimming!
What is your favorite food?
What’s your favorite place in the entire world?
Oh, that is a tough one. I’ve traveled a great deal. I’d have to say Yosemite Valley. Runner-ups are Santorini and Rhodes.
How has your upbringing influenced your writing?
My parents encouraged me to read a lot, and I think it’s a very natural transition for an avid reader to think, “You know, I could probably write something like this too…”
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I was 13 when my teacher singled out my essay to be read aloud to the class. She thought it was good. I can tell you, however, those early stories are not good. I look back and cringe, but I like to think I’ve learned and practiced a great deal since then.
When and why did you begin writing?
I’d always enjoyed writing, but in November 2010, my husband finally encouraged me to write and to publish my work. Prior to that, I’d written fan fiction and developed quite a following to the point where my guild members (from the MMORPG) would stop playing in order to read my work. Fan fiction can’t be published, however. My husband thought it made sense to write to be published instead, and I finally made that transition in 2010.
How long have you been writing?
Since the age of thirteen, so coming up on thirty years soon. However, I started writing to be published in November 2010.
When did you first know you could be a writer?
I used to write fan fiction on the MMORPG, Guild Wars. I first knew I could be a writer when my guild members abandoned the game in droves whenever I announced that I had released my latest fan fiction installment. They all flocked to read it before coming back to demand more.
What inspires you to write and why?
I just enjoy telling stories about the movies I see in my mind. I want others to love my characters as much as I do. I don’t need much encouragement to write these days. I think writing has moved beyond inspiration and into obsession now.
What genre are you most comfortable writing?
Science fiction and fantasy. It’s what I grew up on.
What inspired you to write your first book?
The fan fiction series I wrote based on my Guild Wars characters eventually led to my first book. Some of my characters carried over, too! I did change the setting and the story line, but the fact that the characters came with me helped smooth my entry into writing.
What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in general?
Honestly, the first draft. Anything is possible after the first draft, but until you have the first draft, all you have in an idea locked in your head, inaccessible by others.
Did writing this book teach you anything and what was it?
That it is most important to focus on the story, and allowing the romance between the characters to develop naturally as opposed to trying to force it to happen within a certain number of pages.
Do you intend to make writing a career?
A part-time career, certainly. I enjoy my full-time day job too much to actually quit, but I do hope that writing will eventually bring in a large residual income flow.
Have you developed a specific writing style?
If I have, I certainly haven’t realized it. People have compared my writing style to others (usually other authors I haven’t read—which is even more interesting) but I usually just try to write in a style that is easy enough to follow (it’s science fiction…no need to increase the hurdle) but which draws people into the story and keeps them there.
What is your greatest strength as a writer?
I tell stories that keep people turning pages. I give my readers characters they can love, and then toss the characters into tension and conflict. Many readers have likened my novels to a movie; that is because I tend to write the movie I see in my head.
Have you ever had writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?
Oh yes, and when I do, I switch out and work on a different scene. I tend to write in a chronological manner, but sometimes, jumping ahead in the book can usually trigger enough inspiration to eventually return and work on the scene that was stuck.
Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Eternal Night tells the story of Ashra, the icrathari queen, and Jaden, a human. Jaden’s people are trapped in a domed city of eternal night and tormented by vampires and the vampires’ demonic overlords, the icrathari. His concept of his world shatters when he meets Ashra and uncovers the truth behind the city of eternal night. I wrote this novel to provide a different perspective of the assumptions that many of us make about the demons and terrors in our lives. What if we approached them with an open mind instead of with fear? What is the truth behind the darkness?
How did you come up with the title?
Well, directly from the plotline. The domed city of Aeternae Noctis is trapped in eternal night, hence the title.
Can you tell us about your main character?
Ashra is an icrathari, whom humans believe to be the demonic overlord of vampires. She’s about five feet tall and pale skinned with silver hair and golden eyes. The full wingspan of her bat-shaped wings are about ten feet long. She’s four thousand years old, the oldest of the icrathari, and over the years, has become indifferent to anything except her responsibility for the survival of Aeternae Noctis, the domed city of eternal night. Jaden, on the other hand, is human, but he’s not just any human. He possesses the soul of Rohkeus, the icrathari prince who designed Aeternae Noctis, and Ashra’s former lover.
How did you develop your plot and characters?
Fairly organically. I started with the premise of what would happen if the vampires and the other demons and tormentors of humanity were only perceived as such, and that they had an entirely different agenda behind the scenes? From there, I came up with the concept of Aeternae Noctis, the domed city of Eternal Night, and then placed two characters from opposite sides of the spectrum, one a human, one a demon.
Who designed the cover?
Laura LaRoche from LL Pix Photography
Who is your publisher?
I self-published through Kindle Direct Publishing, Draft2Digital, Smashwords, and Createspace.
Why did you choose to write this particular book?
I got tired of the usual paranormal plots, where the vampires are the bad guys, or worse, the vampires are the brooding romantic heroes. I wanted something different, a twist on the perspective of the demons and horrors that plague humanity. What if they weren’t entirely what we believed them to be?
What was the hardest part about writing this book?
Honestly? Deciding how much sex (as oppose to romance) to write into the book. Ultimately, this novel is a paranormal fantasy, but the romance is a core part of the story. Balancing between the romance and the greater plot was a challenge for me.
Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it?
That it is most important to focus on the story, and allowing the romance between the characters to develop naturally as opposed to trying to force it to happen within a certain number of pages.
How do you promote this book?
Much the same way I promote other books. I send notices out to my New Release Mailing list, connect with readers through Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter, and also embark on virtual book tours, like this one.
Will you write others in this same genre?
Certainly! Eternal Night is intended to be the first of three books in the Aeternae Noctis series.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
How much of what you believe is actually real? Perhaps it’s time for a second and much harder look at the demons and horrors in our lives.
How much of the book is realistic?
Honestly, very little of it. J I did enough research to know that palladium-glass alloy is incredibly strong, and that the strongest metal is a carbon-steel alloy, but the rest of it is fiction. The underlying themes about relationships, both friendships and lovers, however should ring true with readers.
Have you included a lot of your life experiences, even friends, in the plot?
Honestly, not much. My life and my friends are (thankfully) quite normal. I think I write so that the weirdness in my head has a safe avenue.
How important do you think villains are in a story?
Well, villains tend to evoke two-dimensional concepts. I prefer to think of two (or more) opposing forces, both strong and likely both in the right. It’s easy to choose between good and evil, but a great deal harder to choose between two forces that seem equally in the right or justified in what they do. The harder it is to choose, the greater the tension and the conflict.
What are your goals as a writer?
To regularly publish books of excellent quality that draws readers into the worlds and lives of my characters.
Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?
Not a whole lot. It’s hard to travel with so many children, so I try to limit my travel to the Florida area.
What books have most influenced your life?
David Eddings’ epic fantasies certainly influenced me into writing series-spanning science fiction and fantasy. The intricate subtlety of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series helped me understand the value of interwoven storylines. Not everything has to make sense immediately, but in the end, it always does.
Have you ever considered anyone as a mentor?
My first editor, Bobbie Christmas, was a writing coach, and I do consider her a mentor. She was most influential in helping me make huge strides in my growth as an author.
Who is your favorite author and why?
Neil Gaiman is unparalleled for the breadth of his imagination.
Can we expect any more books from you in the future?
Absolutely. I plan to release two or three books a year.
Have you started another book yet?
Yes, I’m currently working on a romantic-thriller set in the world of the Double Helix.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I’d like to have fifteen or more books released in five years, spread over several different series in science fiction and fantasy.
What are your current writing projects now?
I have three. I’m working through edits on a romantic-thriller set in the world of the Double Helix. I’m also halfway through another Double Helix novel, and finally, I’m just embarking on a joint project with my husband, a contemporary corporate-thriller.
Are you reading any interesting books at the moment?
I’m currently reading one of P.L. Blair’s novels on the human detective, Kat, and her elven partner, Tevis.
What are some of the best tools available today for writers, especially those just starting out?
Some would say a good chair with lumbar support. I personally enjoy Scrivener. Utilized well, it’s a storyboard, word processor, and formatting guru, neatly packaged for Mac and Windows.
What contributes to making a writer successful?
Conscientiousness. Figure out the right thing to do and keep doing it. It’s a long path, whether you choose the traditional or self-published path, and our ability to stick to it, while understanding how we need to adapt to be better, will ultimately help us become successful.
Do you have any advice for writers?
Don’t give up. Keep writing, and keep growing as a writer. Find other writers and connect with them. Writing is a solitary profession, but you can still build a team of cheerleaders to support you on the way.
Do you have any specific last thoughts that you want to say to your readers?
Thank you so much for reading my novels. Your time is valuable, and I’m grateful that you’ve chosen to read my novel instead of doing one of the many other things you could be doing with your time. If you enjoy it, I would love to hear from you. Leave a review or shoot me a note at
What do you do to unwind and relax?
Read a book or watch a movie.
What dreams have been realized as a result of your writing?
I’ve realized that I’ve been able to draw people into the worlds I create, and that they too love the characters I love. It’s been a tremendous joy to share what’s in me with the rest of the world.
Do you have any upcoming appearances that you would like to share with us?
I will be at MegaCon in Orlando, Florida from March 21 to 23, and at SuperCon in Miami, Florida from July 3 to 6. Stop by my table to buy one of my award-winning novels, or to get a signature.
When you wish to end your career, stop writing, and look back on your life, what thoughts would you like to have?
That I created worlds and characters that spawned hours of enjoyment for readers all around the world, and that lives out there, in the real world, are somehow different, and better, for having touched, however briefly, my fictional worlds.

Alone for a millennium, since a human murdered her beloved consort, Ashra, the immortal icrathari queen, rules over Aeternae Noctis, the domed city of eternal night. Her loneliness appears to be at an end when her consort’s soul is reborn in a human, Jaden Hunter, but their reunion will not be easy.
Icrathari are born, not made. If Ashra infuses Jaden with her immortal blood, he will be a vampire, a lesser creature of the night, a blood-drinker rather than a soul-drinker.
Furthermore, Jaden is sworn to protect his half-sister, five-year-old Khiarra. She is the child of prophecy, destined to end the eternal night and the dominion of the Night Terrors—the icrathari and the vampires.
As Ashra struggles to sustain her crumbling kingdom in the face of enemies without and treachery within, Jaden fights to defend his sister and unravel a greater mystery: what is the city of eternal night, and how did it come to be?
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Fantasy, Paranormal
Rating – PG-13
More details about the author
Connect with Jade Kerrion on Facebook & Twitter

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